Hi there,
as I write this most EU backers outside UK have received their game. If you have not, let me know!
US and Australia should begin shipping this week, while UK is scheduled for next week. Unfortunately, part of the US shipping was damaged in transit and we need to assess how many games were affected, but we already determined we have enough for fulfilment.
Metavira Mini Campaign
The Campaign has not made it into the box - this is completely on us, as we did not get to finish and playtest it in time for printing. We hope to have the first two scenarios layouted by next week and will post them as pdf. All required cards and tokens (as well as Lucas Santino as a dictator) are included in the game box.
Errata, Tracker Tables and Rules can be found here: https://www.underground-games.rocks/faq
We will keep you updated on our progress.